To Just Be

It’s taken the longest of longest times (years actually) for me to somewhat understand the spiritual concept to ‘Just Be’. To just be, one has to gain an understanding of the self. To be specific, to understand our ego and our heart. It was a few weeks ago that spirit finally revealed to me and a dear friend I was with through Aya, my dragon stuffy toy I have in my car…

Her message to me was, “I R B!”. “Say what?!” I enquired further. Aya explained further, “I are be… Instead of saying, I am being… It’s, I are being as we always are”. “Aaaaah, I see!” I exclaimed. “So what you’re saying is that we’ve always been who we are. So we just have to remember that we are christ consciousness already.”

Aya is dragon, so her English is just a little chinglish… I guess she speaks like this to get me to unpretzel my mind to really get the message. “Just be, as we already are” she finished off. Thank you Aya. Thank you. 

In reflection to me, this means we are the gods and the creators of our universe. We are the masters of our destinies! We are harmony, we are heart & mind in union, heart-mind. We are the One. Neo! We’re in the Matrix. We are the peace we seek, we are the knight who came to save us. We are the kings and queens of destiny. We are already well. We just didn’t remember it. We just need to awaken from this slumber.

Since then, more has transpired into my consciousness. Today spirit is saying to me… The spirit of just being is the ability to give and receive without expectation and judgement. This one is still unpretzelling for me. This hue-man is still unfolding. There’s so many subtleties to all these lessons! More to follow in the future I’m sure!

Back to this concept of Just being… 

It’s about the union of two as one, in Unity Consciousness… Harmony. It’s the Christo-Sophia, it’s the Devine Masculine & Devine Feminine, Ying and the Yang, the Dragon and Phoenix finally in true harmonious marriage. It’s when the two join and become one in harmony. Just being as one is. It’s the one with two parts in harmony, allowing flow, balance and rhythm.

Even in chaos, especially in chaos… It’s the human navigating, stumbling and the ability to regain ones footing. To be human, is to experience the messiness of life. It’s in the way we rise and over come that makes us into who we dream to be. It’s the ability to take the ego and let the heart open. To live openly to prepare to live in 5D.

As we navigate this 4D realm of the in between, much gets revealed. Much gets uncovered. When the shadows appear and the triggers are activated by another, hold space for oneself first. Have compassion for the wounded inner child in yourself. For the only ones we can change is ourself really. It’s up to the other if the other wants to change. For we all have free will, the freedom of choice. So let the other choose as they will. For to live as sovereign beings is also to allow others to live sovereignly too. It’s only when we’ve really help nourished and healed ourself, do we truly understand how to help another. From what I’ve come to understand, it’s by being an example and maybe an invitation without binding expectations or judgements, that others might see a better way of being. And still then, it’s their choice how they want to live.

So when these triggers come up, they present an opportunity to face the shadows of the past and to be the parent that you needed then, but in the present time. The now. We have the ability to change the past by being consciously present. And with the ability to reflect and enacting the skills we’ve gained, we are able to be parenting the wounded self right in the moment, in present time. We get to change our stories, and the unconscious narratives that run our lives then become a choice. We get to choose who we want to be and who we are. We gain back our power and life force that was leaking unconsciously. 

By doing so, we also break the illusion of time. When we can access the past, future and the now… then time doesn’t hold too much relevance any more regarding the spiritual, mental and emotional aspects of our lives. Plus our stories of being the victim or perpetrator can be transcended. We can rise above the situation and we get to sit in the seat of the higher self. And when we are ready, we can then draw down the higher self into the physical body to sit within our soul. This is how we ground things into our reality. Thus we really are the captains of our souls and creators of our reality. It’s when we see both sides, we can also hold compassion for all. It’s this union of two sides that split that is rejoining that creates the one self. Unity Consciousness —Love.

If you want to heal this old aspect of yourself, sit with the inner child, gain their trust. Acknowledge the hurts and allow the grief to come up. It would be better to a lot a set period of time to do this so that you don’t wallow in the lower energies for days on end.

To do the inner child work, create a safe space where you have the privacy and the safety for these things to come up. Do it with yourself if you know how to hold this space for yourself or find someone who is able to do this for you. Maybe a trusted and trained therapist, a shaman, counsellor or coach with the needed skills. Only do it for that set period of time and when that time is up, end this process with compassion. Then reassure the inner child that you are always there and that you are taking care of things to the best of your abilities for him or her. Then after, get up, move, ground yourself, dance, shake it off. Shift the energy. Just do something different, something fun to dissipate the lower energies. Sage the room if need be.

If the classic elements are earth, water, wind and fire then the 5th element, ether is love. It’s the void or chi that the Chinese Philosophers talk of. It’s the juice, the magic that imbues and animates life itself. 

To just be… Love is the 5th Element. It’s ascended transcendent Love. It’s the ability to be in harmony, to be well, to embody love in the self. It’s the peace we seek. To just be, as we already are. 

We are Love. We are compassion. We are well. We are as we am. We be as we is. This is when the I AM… is the We ARE. This is the way, this is the path. We are walking two halves into oneness. This is the Devine Masculine and Devine Feminine in oneness, in union in each of us — we are whole as we are, we already are, we are Love. So just be.


The Call of the New Heart Beat

Earth angels, fire guardians, rain dancers… humanity unite. Let our drums beat to the rhythm of Mama Gaia’s heart.

Pachamama hear our song of harmony. Let our tears flow to quell the fires that burn our soul. May we roar with grief so great to finally break the silent shackles that hold us back.

We take a stand, stand tall with benevolence for all sentient beings. We transform the collective shadow that turns day to night. In this chrysalis transmutation, we dream, we bring forth the new dawn, the age of the new heart.

Awaken now, time to act. Time to align. Soon there will be no shadow to hide in. All is made alight. Rise now sweet one. Stretch those wings. Father Sky holds you. Brother Wind lifts you. Do you hear her call? Do you hear Mama Gaia’s heart beat? She beats for you.

Written in reverence.
— Antoinette

Lions Gate Insights

This years Lions Gate, I had a couple of insights. It’s taken years to understand, but tonight I got to distill it.

For the Forerunners

The last few years of battles are drawing to a close. Having done all the shadow work will serve you well when levelling up. You’ve come so far to clear the way for the next generation. well done, your work is having a great impact for yourselves and others.

And when Earth School gets hard, remember these insights…

The Multiplicity of Us

We are multifaceted crystalline energy. Multicoloured beings of light. We are consciousness embodied exploring the physical for a while. Expand and grow more of who you truly are. We are consciousness.

Lightworker Magicians
We Are The frequencies we attune to, the thought forms we create. What we emote. What we choose to repeat. What we allow perpetuates. These choices is what reflects back to us in the world. We create this world. Collectively we shape it. The more we make conscious the unconscious, the more conscious love we embody, the more loving world we create.
Banquet of Life
In the banquet of life, we get to choose. Our choices are powerful. It’s what drives our moral compass, forms our values, creates our habits and shapes our world. Choose.
Let Fear Reign or Let Love In
When you boil it down, there is only two choices. We either choose to contract in fear or expand in love. Energetically fear is duality, linear in nature, single minded, cyclical – karma. Fear can inch us towards love or can move us to more fear. Love can not. By its nature, it expands, enhances, nourishes, multiplies. Love creates more love. Love can not create less love, that would be fear. It is us who gets to choose. We are the ones we have been waiting for. May your journey be all that you choose and may it serve you well.

— Antoinette