Lions Gate Insights

This years Lions Gate, I had a couple of insights. It’s taken years to understand, but tonight I got to distill it.

For the Forerunners

The last few years of battles are drawing to a close. Having done all the shadow work will serve you well when levelling up. You’ve come so far to clear the way for the next generation. well done, your work is having a great impact for yourselves and others.

And when Earth School gets hard, remember these insights…

The Multiplicity of Us

We are multifaceted crystalline energy. Multicoloured beings of light. We are consciousness embodied exploring the physical for a while. Expand and grow more of who you truly are. We are consciousness.

Lightworker Magicians
We Are The frequencies we attune to, the thought forms we create. What we emote. What we choose to repeat. What we allow perpetuates. These choices is what reflects back to us in the world. We create this world. Collectively we shape it. The more we make conscious the unconscious, the more conscious love we embody, the more loving world we create.
Banquet of Life
In the banquet of life, we get to choose. Our choices are powerful. It’s what drives our moral compass, forms our values, creates our habits and shapes our world. Choose.
Let Fear Reign or Let Love In
When you boil it down, there is only two choices. We either choose to contract in fear or expand in love. Energetically fear is duality, linear in nature, single minded, cyclical – karma. Fear can inch us towards love or can move us to more fear. Love can not. By its nature, it expands, enhances, nourishes, multiplies. Love creates more love. Love can not create less love, that would be fear. It is us who gets to choose. We are the ones we have been waiting for. May your journey be all that you choose and may it serve you well.

— Antoinette