Holy Trinity! She is here.

The 11/11 gateway we’ve come through was pivotal for many, it’s as if a light got switched on for many of us. It’s this feminine innate wisdom that is now set within us. It’s like another sixth sense, like an extra arrow in your quiver for you to call on when you need.

The feminine innate wisdom is when you know — you just know. It’s when it matters the most and things are critical, you have this innate knowing. It’s when the light is bright and the shadows are distinct. You really can see — the energies don’t lie. Trust your gut, trust your feels. When your nose knows, when something smells and feels off — it’s just off. You don’t need extra information, you don’t need logic to know something stinks. Your intuition is screaming it’s knowing. You might feel it in your body, or even hear it, it could even feel like a nudge from the angels.

For when you’ve done enough of your shadow work, your senses get sharpened and your discernment is more on point. When the mask finally falls and you see the real face, see the shadows for what they are, just shadows. Stay strong. Don’t freeze. Don’t run. Face it, they are just shadows.

See it with eyes of the heart of the eternal mother. Stand in your power, stand with all your elders that came before you. With fire of dragon, heart of lion and grace of eagle — channel the wisdom, discernment and eternal love of the feminine heart. Know that you are protected, for you walk with your powerful wolf pack and you are their leader.

So run with the wolves, howl at the moon and bond with your pack between the shadows and lunar energies during the longer darker days of winter. It’s here within that your grit is found. It is here that fortitude is forged.

This is the wild, this is the innate. This is the knowledge we carry in our bones. Feminine power shows strength not by force. Not by overpowering another. It’s the brave heart, it’s the fair heart. It is balanced with the mind ego and the purpose of the soul. This is the holy trinity — the healed heart, mind and soul. The triskele, the trinity, the power of 3. It’s the feminine knowing.

In Celtic Shamanism, this union of 3 — the triskele, allows shamans to see the present, past and future. The Shaman often sees them self as someone who stands in three different worlds at the same time. At this juncture one can see life, death and rebirth. Past, present and future. Earth, water and sky. Even creation, protection and destruction.

This trinity symbolises personal growth, human development, and spiritual progress. It denotes the idea of reincarnation, the perpetual state of growth, understanding and enlightenment. In the feminine sense, it’s Mother Gaia, Quan Yin and Goddess Kali in union. It’s spiritual discernment, or in simpler terms, it’s heart wisdom.

So keep walking the path, the Wounded Warrior is now healing. The wounds that healed over have made you stronger. The character you’ve developed was forged by placing you in the fires from the sacred father, the holy blacksmith. He did this to find your inner core, to forge and sharpen your blade. What you thought was pounding you, was in fact your inner being getting galvanized to be the warrior you are today. What you thought was punishment was in fact initiation for the times we are heading into.

Express thanks to all who has allowed the lessons to play out with you. With grace and humility take up your staff and walk forth on your path — for you are warrior. So trust. You are the divine feminine and you hold the strength of holy trinity within. Aho!


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