Incoming Seismic Waves

I had a lucid dream last night. In this dream, I came to the place where the frequency planes can be seen. This is the first time I’ve dreamt of this space. It was surreal and I felt for sure a bit odd being there. The scene looked like a computer generated music video, but without music. I saw these electronic multi-coloured ocean wave forms stirring up these huge pixel rectangle art pieces that started to float upwards to the turquoise-orange morning sky. I wondered, ‘what was this place?’ It felt unreal, like I was in a simulation of some kind.

As I pondered to myself, ‘what’s the message of this lucid dream?’ Next, I saw people, human forms against the darkening sky standing or floating on these multi coloured electronic grid wave forms. All of a sudden I saw a huge seismic wave hit us! It was so robust. Then the after shock waves kept hitting us. They were huge but not as big as the first wave. They kept bouncing us around. I felt so disorientated, it was nauseating. I got quite scared. Everyone was topsy-turvy as if were were in a washing machine getting spun round and a round.

The scene then changed quickly to the night sky. It was the galaxy where we were floating. As if we were in water, but above in the sky. Then suddenly we got hit by another wave, but this one I didn’t see but we sure felt it. We were being bounced and spun around again. This seismic wave kept sending shockwaves through the galaxy. We didn’t know up from down, nor top from bottom. The disorientation was sickening and created fear in me.

Then I remembered… ‘I can control this experience, it’s just a dream! To counter the fear, one just needs to stay centred,’ I thought to myself. To stay in my centre — in my heart centre. As soon as I started to think this, I started to calm down and I started stabilising — popping right side up. And this is where the dream came to an abrupt end. ‘Odd I thought,’ as I drifted off again into another lucid dream slumber session…

Over tea, this morning, I delved deeper into the message of this dream. What I intuited from it, is this up-levelling consciousness wave that is hitting us is a huge one. It’s inevitable. It’ll knock many off their feet so to speak, but it’s a mind and ego one. A mentality consciousness one for the most part. So those willing to change will move through it more easily, and those that don’t want change or are on the fence will have a rougher experience with it.

This shift is humanities shift from an ego based mentality to a heart space consciousness. It’s a total systems overhaul. Our hard drives have to get wiped from old programs, viruses and malware and our old code gets rewritten with a new one. And then when that’s done, we’ll need to reboot to start on the new operating system afresh.

Basically, those that can shift, pivot and can find their centres will be okay. There’ll be little grounding for this one! As this is a new wave frequency that we humans haven’t experienced before. It’s inevitable, no way around it. Its natures path. There’s nothing stopping this shift. Like spring rains that turn into flood waters coming down the mountain, everything in its path will experience its force.

It’ll take time to adjust and ground to these new wave shifts. If we hold onto anything, we’ll get ripped apart. So don’t hold onto anything and find your centre to keep the calm. Find that place of zen within. We gotta float this one out. Until we find new grounding on this New Earth plain, we float. Trust.

So bounce, pivot and ride this wave. By finding your centre that creates calm within you — it’ll make this ride easier. So ride this seismic wave. We’re in the storm. Be the calm in the middle of the storm. Just be, nothing else. Trust. Float. Breathe. Relax. There is nothing else to do. Be still to move through the eye of the needle and you’ll make it through.

Come to thing about it… In the dream I saw three wave scenarios… My brain tells me, maybe not everyone will experience all these waves, and not all in the same way. Maybe some will experience maybe one or two versions of the wave scenarios but it will effect everyone in some form to some degree.

Then on further contemplation — it feels more like the insight is that…
The first wave is about the human programming getting rewritten to the higher 5D consciousness state. The second wave is about human behaviour or rather, our human experience getting shifted up a level. And the third is, the ability to supersede our human mental 3D consciousness via transcendent states. For example via meditation, shamanic journeying, dreaming and even in the everyday quiet spaces of our minds, where we can find and cultivate our inner zen gardens.

It’s here, with the third wave, where we start to access transcendent states of bliss and zen. When we can seed these awarenesses into the quantum super consciousness. It’s in g akashic records we can upload new records. It’s here we seed new knowledge for the rest of humanity to find and discover a long the path, so that they may too find these gems along their paths.

There’s a lot happening right now. Make sure you have your life jackets on and that they are fully inflated and securely attached before you go helping someone else with theirs. Just be, and demonstrate calm — so that others will feel and mimic this calming, centred energy. No point panicking now and spreading fear, for it can sink the whole ship.

— Antoinette

Gateway & Portals

Are you feeling it yet?

…this 2020 Winter Solstice, the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, the dawning of the age of Aquarius. The rising of the Devine Feminine… It’s all happening now. So many are talking about it. I don’t think I need to add more to it. What I really want to focus on though, is how to navigate these times when your boat is a little bit battered and bruised. For those of us that have been here a while… Well, let’s just say it’s been rough waters getting to these coordinates.

So how then to get through these gateways?

Look to the skies. We don’t live in a vacuum. The planets, the sun, the galaxy, even the geomagnetic frequencies, and Schumann frequencies effect us. It’s these planetary, solar activities and alignments that can cause (ascension) flu symptoms and old conditions to act up. It’s during these times, we can make a difference for ourselves, and later for others too.

If you think about it, these alignments is the universes way of clearing our bodies of dense frequencies in preparation to move into the 5D consciousness. This years Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction on December 21st, 2020 is a major portal for the collective to move through.

For some it can feel like our whole body is being squeezed through a tiny gateway like toothpaste. It’s essentially an energetic detox and purging for humans. Not fun! It can really feel like a flu, but mainly without coughs and mucous. Some move through it quickly and others have symptoms for days.

If you do have preexisting conditions, it is better to go to your doctor to have it checked out. And if they can’t find anything medically wrong, then it could be that you’re experiencing the effects of solar, planetary and geomagnetic activities. But I’m not a doctor. I just read energy.

And if you’re Highly Sensitive, you’re most likely feeling it for sure! Although, at this point in time, I’d say, pretty much everyone is feeling it to some extent. It is 2020 after all. Nobody gets to escape this one.

The trick to survive and thrive through these shifts, is to realise that one can swim and rise above the chaos. Keep breathing deeply to calm down, to become more meditative — to be zen. To be one with the process, to just observe, to be a little more objective and to ground oneself.

If it helps… see it from an eagles point of view. Fly above everything and observe. Observe yourself, observe the others. See what is ahead and take the necessary steps to take care of oneself. It’s when we do this, that we realise that we can surf these Schumann waves and galactic alignments into the new heart based consciousness, the new earth that Eckhart Tolle spoke of.

These shifts don’t need to be difficult. When we experience it as difficult, it’s because somewhere in us… we’re still holding on to the old ways of being. We are yet to fully trust the process. Realise that our higher selves knows and source consciousness knows what’s best. And know that, by going through these trials, we learn and we do get to graduate to the higher levels of consciousness.

So let go. Let go of the fear.

These shifts don’t get easier if you keep resisting it. It’s not just humanity that is shifting, it’s the whole planet too. So, do use tools that will aid your process. Things like meditation, grounding, prayer, eating healthy, doing some movement exercise to move the stuck energies. Detox from unhealthy food, situations, people, behaviours and thought patterns. Get help from therapist, healers, medical professionals if needed. Do art, dance, sing… Have fun! Do what you need to become more you.

If you’ve read the book, The Celestine Prophecies, and watched the movie Avatar. Then you’d know what kind of world we are moving towards. A heart based one, one where love thrives, abundance is for all. Joy overflows. Gratitude is the norm. Wow, what a time to be alive! Let’s get onboard this train and create this world we all so dearly want. Star-seeds, light workers, this is the gift we’ve been waiting for.
