Spring Energy Update 2023

Yay Mercury Retrograde is over!! Yeah… not gonna lie, it sucked biggly. 😂 Now that it’s behind us, what’s the rest of 2023 going to look like energetically?? 😆🤩

This video is packed with a whole bunch of tips for ascension, self care, healing & leveling up. Help yourself help others. You’ve got this!

Do like this video if you’ve found it helpful. Share it with someone, it might help them & subscribe if you want more of this kind of content. It helps me know if I should make more videos like this. Happy Shifting, enjoy!

– Antoinette

DNA Upgrades & The Dark Night of the Soul

My episode on the Soulful Living with Georgia Podcast. Available on all streaming platforms, & YouTube.

I joined Georgia on her latest podcast episode where we deep dived into spiritual topics. Namely Quantum Healing, Soul Center Healing Hypnosis which is a form of Quantum Hypnosis, DNA upgrades, the dark night of the soul & psychic protection.

Over the years I’ve gained deeper insights on these subject matters & it’s my pleasure to share it after much learning. Thank you Georgia for inviting me onto your podcast.

Her podcast is available now on all streaming platforms, as well as YouTube @SoulfulLivingwithGeorgia. Georgia is a soul led Yogi, Lightworker & Medicine Woman. She founded Soulful Living Wellness helping women across the world return to freedom by reconnecting with their soul.

Enjoy this episode. Do subscribe to my NovoStellar YouTube Channel & feel free to comment, like & share. 🙏😊

Crystalline Upgrades

Many starseeds & lightworkers have been receiving these latest crystalline upgrades… We are becoming crystalline.

In the last 6 to 8 weeks it’s been about upgrading the nervous system & the brain, to receive more of the incoming light codes from the central sun. You may have noticed unexplained weird sensations in the head, headaches, brain fog numbness, memory loss, forgetfulness, even clumsiness. And through out the body, weird electrical sensations tingling, buzzing, pain & spasms.

In the last 2-3 years it was about upgrading the bones, blood, organs (including the heart), DNA… the whole carbon based body system. Essentially each & every cell. We are going from a carbon body based operating system to a crystalline one. We are becoming crystal beings of light with organic bodies.

Do take care. Detox, do self-care. Get checked out medically if you have illnesses, conditions or physical & emotional symptoms you are concerned about. And if the doctors can’t find anything, it might be that you’re going through a spiritual awakening that is showing up physically. Your body is trying to get your attention. It’s trying to tell you that something needs your attention so that you can heal it. Get help if you need, & do use your discernment.

Ascension is the transformation from Carbon to Crystalline

In recent history, since the Harmonic Convergence (1987) the fore runners started to pave the way. 2012 saw a new batch awakening, & again in 2020 a new wave rose. These upgrades & awakenings are going to continue right up until the harvest. It’s not going to stop.

If you haven’t already started your awakening journey, you’re leaving it quite late. There is still a bit of time to catch up, but your catch up phase will be accelerated & will be intense to say the least.

It’s at the point of the harvest that the grading will happen. Some say that there will be a solar flash of some sort. It’s at this point that this matrix is graded. It’s when we all will be sorted — based on our individual frequency & how much light we can hold & transmit. This will determine if we ascend to the new earth, 5D or stay back on the old 3D earth to carry on learning soul lessons for your soul to continue to grow. Some say it’s a frequency shift, others say it’s a literal new earth separating from the old. Either way, it’s in the Book of Revelations & many have channelled or written about this new earth.

Essentially, the choice is individual, it has always been yours.
– to grow or not to grow as a soul. To believe what you will. It’s a free will universe. We for sure live in interesting times.


Who are the 144,000?

This question came up today…. Is it just the 144,000 lightworkers or Starseeds that are going to ascend?

144,000 is a frequency one attains working with the crown chakra. It also refers to the number of petals of crown chakra when the crown opens up in this higher state of being. One can see this when the third eye is open, when doing meditative journeys, chakra activations and light body work in energy healings.

All humans have the potential to awaken so therefore we are all seeds, starseeds. Lightworkers refers to those that work with light, which also includes working with the shadow aspects, the dark. This is shadow work. The dark just refers to the lack of light. 

From a place of neutrality, there is no good versus evil. From this place, and when in a higher state of being, there is non-judgement. One sees and just observes polarities and dualities of the human experience — without getting caught up in all the dramas of life. This is where peace truly exists.

In short, everybody can reach and embody the 144,000 frequency and walk the awakening journey. Everyone is a seed, a seed of light and therefor has potential. Everyone has light or lack of light. So it’s just a way to explain the awakening journey. It’s just personal choice. The freedom to choose is a basic human right and a universal law. 

We are all returning to source light, creator or whatever you want to call it. So we are all are part of the one returning to self, the eternal ONE.

We separated from source light because source wanted to experience other than its self, so hence why we incarnate as individuals to experience a myriad of different life paths and experiences. This doesn’t negate the differences. Each ones individual experiences are valid at different levels.

For example, learning to walk when you’re a baby is really important at this pivotal stage of development. Once you’ve learn to walk, these lessons and experiences get less important when you’re slightly older as a toddler. Then the toddlers lessons advance. They need to go out, learn and experience things like running, climbing and talking. The lessons are incremental and build upon each other.

When we eventually get back to source, we would get to see the universal grand picture. We’ll be able to see the weave in the tapestry of our lives. We get to see how the dark patches were very necessary for our development and to create the whole picture. It’s at this point, we would then most likely understand more, more of the grand design of this thing called human life experience.


Integrate & Chill

There’s been so much healing, release, upgrades, downloads, initiations and transformations in the last week or two. Remember to allow time for your integration.

So rest, chill — Just take time out and don’t beat yourselves up about it. Just like pro athletes, It’s vital that they schedule in down time for their bodies to rest and recover before they get back into their regular training program again.

Yeah, take the time out now, for Monday May 16th is the Red Full Moon and the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio! Plus we’re in Mercury Retrograde. So if things have been intense in your life, take a breather. The planets, stars and the moon have been doing their thing helping us bring up the toxic in our lives, so that we can take a clear look at things and decide what we’re gonna toss out. Think of retrogrades, scorpio and the lunar eclipse as your personal Mari Kondo. Assess what you want to keep for the future and what you want to release with gratitude. Thank it and say farewell, for these things have been your teachers.

Doing nothing is also necessary. Integrate.

All of this deep shadow work, healing and releasing is epic work for us on a personal level. And as a collective, it’s been on a galactic scale. It’s no small feat to shift an entire planet to 5D. Your guides thank you and honour you for all that you are doing for this ascension. They recognise all this effort and want you to rest too.

Yes, integration is such a pivotal part of the healing and ascension journey. During this phase, we allow our vessel’s to adjust and attune to the newer higher frequencies. It’s in this phase we normalise the new quantum information with in our cells and DNA. We’re embedding the new codes for the new earth within our very being.

If we skip this step and rush off to the next thing — we are in fact spiritually bypassing this phase. That would mean we’re still in the old programming of always doing more, going higher, going faster, having more, thinking this is us being our best, just to prove that we are worthy to win that elusive trophy at the end of the rainbow.

There is no hierarchy in 5D. No one is better than another, nor higher. There is no striving, or achieving. There’s being, loving and allowing. We transcend the polarity and duality. Karma is no more. It’s unity consciousness and about living our dharma.

We’ve got to let these new vibrations ground into our physical bodies and settle into our ever day lives. This is how we integrate and become this new way of being. So don’t skip steps, don’t take short cuts. After all we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are indeed the future ascended masters! It’s time to level up. So act like it.

🌟 ⭐ 🌟