Infinity Symbol

2020 Vision

One for All & all for One! Happy New Year!

2020 is about clear vision, clarity. Seeing the bigger picture. Stepping into the higher perspective and seeing from an eagle’s point of view. Up above. The grand perspective. What’s coming ahead, What else is playing into things. Where the flow is. Where there are obstacles and how to handle them. Conscious strategy…

We are part of the whole. What we do affects another. What role we each play. What our true purpose is. What is our underlying motivations. Step into 20 20 vision. Step into clarity. The game has just levelled up. Step up. The new decade is here.

Are you ready? 

Release the past, let it go. That skin you’ve been wearing will no longer fit you. That’s why things have been feeling tight, restrictive and even choking at times. Shed it! Your energy body is growing and the earth’s energy grid has expanded beyond what we have known.There’s no going back. The path behind has disintegrated. You’ve consciously chosen to make a new path, a new way, new energy. The new light is showing that the old ways isn’t working. The binary code has been corrupted to the extent that it’s almost totally unusable. Use what you have learnt so Far. Hack the system from the inside. The blue screen of death is upon us, time to defrag and input the new code and new operating system. This hard reboot is a system overhaul.

You are now the guiding light.

You were made for this. You are the change. You is what this new decade needs. Here’s looking at you kid. You are not alone. You are supported by higher consciousness — Great Spirit. Your ancestors are rooting for you. They always have. Here’s to 2020!


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