Cosmic Christmas Blessings

Cosmic Christmas Tree

In the deep blue void we go,
To birth a new breed of indigo.
Here within lies chaos,
Here within lies creation.

For it is in chaos that we find ourselves,
In the deep under belly where passion ignites.
Where starseeds are birthed,
Where soul stars dance in the new light.

As 2019 draws to a close — a decade of shadow work, of growth, of learning… we now pause during christmas to take stock. And as the new year rolls in — we call in the bright white unified crystalline consciousness to birth a new decade of a higher form of love,  a new hope & a new light.

And so it is. Earth Walker, may your old skin shed with ease as the new one takes form. Step forth now as you become the crystalline Sky Walker you are born to be. 

Cosmic Christmas blessings to you all.
— Antoinette